Trip Reviews

Water by Nature Blog

10 Of The World’s Best Rapids

Hamish McMaster

Always open to debate amongst guides and guests alike, here are some of our favourite rafting rapids that we get to run each and every year. Despite this not being an exhaustive list, it is based on what we hear from you, our guest, and what the guides love to run as well. By all […]

Family Rafting Adventures

Hamish McMaster

Last summer, I was fortunate enough to share an amazing adventure with my wife and 2 kids on the Salmon River in Idaho. What made it amazing, was sharing with my family a passion for what I do and what takes me away from family life at home. For any of us with families, that […]

Interview With A Serial Rafter – Dave Hard.

Hamish McMaster

How many rafting trips have you done with Water By Nature Dave? Well I reckon it is about 17 but I might be wrong, it is a lot though and dates back to the creation of Water By Nature. Which was the most memorable and why? The million dollar question! People are always asking for […]

An Emotional 120 Hours In Nepal

Hamish McMaster

Given the generous donations from our guests, I wanted to ensure the money got into the hands of the guides it was intended for. Having worked in Nepal for more than 25 years, the country that has given me personally and many of our guests such joy, needed help. Given the grand scale of the […]

New Zealand – I Love My Country

Hamish McMaster

I think there is no greater honour than showing people around your home country. I was lucky enough to do this recently on our 15 day multi-active adventure to New Zealand. What I wanted to do was to showcase and highlight some of the best adventures on offer, but make it all inclusive for all […]

Zambezi Rapids Explained. Scary or Fun & Fluffy?

Hamish McMaster

If you don’t know your ‘Stairway to Heaven’ from your ‘Creamy White Buttocks’, this we hope will give you a rundown on the Zambezi whitewater rafting rapids featured on a multi day trip to Ghostrider in the low water season, when the rapids are at their biggest from August until November. The Zambezi Rapids were […]

An Adventure Travel Company From The Beginning.

Hamish McMaster

Water By Nature started from small beginnings. Whilst recovering from an injury when I was safety kayaking in Switzerland, I decided I wanted to offer the best of the best whitewater based experiences around the world. I sat down and wrote a brochure to offer trips to Nepal on the Sun Kosi, Karnali as well […]

15 Bucket List Rivers & Adventure Trips for 2015

Hamish McMaster

With another fun filled year upon us, what are the must do adventure trips for 2015? Here are our ‘bucket list’ (in no particular order) of wonderful trips for the New Year. 1. The Zambezi: Big, fluffy and FUN: Far from being the scary massive river you see on Youtube videos, a trip on the […]

New Zealand – A Safe, Friendly And Fun Adventure Vacation

Hamish McMaster

With so many holiday options bombarding us at every turn, what makes one country better than any other to visit? With acts of war, disease, security and safety issues being thrust upon us via almost every media channel, you’ll see very few warnings not to go to New Zealand. And here is why: 1. Very […]